Sometimes we don't understand what is going on in our life,it seems everything is falling apart if the signs which I am going to discuss below matches with your situation then you are under spritual attack- 1. Lazyness -you tried your level best but it seems like every effort of yours is useless ,as if you don't have energy to do anything , specially when it is the matter of bible reading and prayer. This is an alarm something is not normal and you should pray to God regarding this. 2. Hopelessness- you used to be a cheerful person all of a sudden you have become a person who has no hope for future .If this is happening then pray to God because our hope is in Jesus ,he will take you out from this situation. 3. No intrest in going to church- you have stopped taking intrest in going to church.This happens when you are under attack.we need fellowship of other believers that is possible only in church,so pray hard for it so that God opens the door. 4.D epression- This normally hap...