

 Sometimes we don't understand what is going on in our life,it seems everything is falling apart if the signs which I am going to discuss below matches with your situation then you are under spritual attack- 1. Lazyness -you tried your level best but it seems like every effort of yours is useless ,as if you don't have energy to do anything , specially when it is the matter of bible reading and prayer. This is an alarm something is not normal and you should pray to God regarding this. 2. Hopelessness- you used to be a cheerful person all of a sudden you have become a person who has no hope for future .If this is happening then pray to God because our hope is in Jesus ,he will take you out from this situation. 3. No intrest in going to church- you have stopped taking intrest in going to church.This happens when you are under attack.we need fellowship of other believers that is possible only in church,so pray hard for it so that God opens the door. 4.D epression- This normally hap...

Thy will be done

 Sometimes this is very difficult to say " thy will be done God, I hand over everything to you",but one should understand being a believer we should reach to that position when we could say open heartedly " God thy will be done".God knows our future and his planning for us ,may be today you are in a situation where you are unable to handle anything ,it seems like everything is going apart ,don't worry God is still there on your side and outcome will be best .Let God handle everything.He is our shepherd and we are his lambs so let him guide us ,ask daily to God , what do you want me to do today? When you know that we can't handle alone we need his support,his strength ,his wisdom ,his ways.So ask God 🙏 God please show me your ways and wait for his answers.

God can make a way

 God can make a way where there is no way ,many times in life we get disappointed when we get no way to go.If you read bible you must know that incident in which moses open red sea so that isrealities could able to go across the sea because Egyptians were coming to kill them.So God made a way where there was no way not only that God didn't allow Egyptians to come near to isrealities when they were waiting to go.As we read in bible" God is same yesterday ,today and tomorrow " ,so today also if you ask ,he will open new ways for you,as he loves you more than a nyone else.

Prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams are those dreams which Comes from God ,to show something that is either happening or going to happen in future.Many times God has shown me such kind of dreams .In one of those dreams ..I saw that some church member is doing some wrong behavior with  the whole church .This dream came with clarity, but I was confused because that person had good image and I thought people will not believe if I try to disclose but when God shows you something you should share that  irrespective of I told the wife of  the Pastor of the church. After listening the whole dream she said this is exactly happening in our church but we were in little doubt but now God has proved that we were right,she gave lot of thanks to share that dream.Now here one question arises how will you understand that which dream is from God?.First sign is when you will wake up you feel to share it and secondly you will not forget it easily ,but in every situation praying is most important ,...


Sometimes this is quiet ironical,being a believer when you don't understand few things going on in your life( things which can make you insane) still you believe and trust in God.This is the right way of living because we don't know what will happen the very next moment in our life.So trusting God in the midst of storms ,can give you pleasure when he will bless you with unexpected things.As Isaiah -41 :10 says "Do not afraid,f or I am with you".while in the midst of storm ,we should lift others also,those who are in the same situation. OftenGod uses that pain to lift others(same situation) ,as at that time we understand their pain in a better way. So God is there with you to lift you up from your storm but meanwhile use that waiting period in some productive work, like- increase your understanding to know God's will for your life.


God's love is unconditional.He has proved his love in cross...where he had been torchured like a sinner ( without commiting any sin).Like we read in bible ( according to John -3:16)God has given his only begotten that we can live peacefully .Adam and Eve sinned against God,his heart broken but he didn't leave them with fig leaves covering (that was of course human wisdom to put on  clothes made of non durable things) but God gave them covering of animal skin.He loves us that is why he send JESUS to carry our loads of sin and crucified, it doesn't matter anybody loves us or not.If God is on our side , who can be against us.So praise him,worship him as he is worthy to be praised.

Faith of Mary and Martha

Mary and Martha were sisters (it is written in bible) but both of them carry different kind of faith.If we  see Mary ,her faith was different from Martha( who was little rely on her deeds).As we see when she called Jesus in her house ,she immediately got busy in arrangements of food ,as she thought this way she can please JESUS but did Jesus please with her or Mary? We see at the end..Jesus was pleased with Mary because she was listening to his words with full faith and dedication(Luke-10:42). Secondly in John -11:39-40 we see when Jesus asked to remove the stone from the tomb,Martha said ,body is stinking Lord,she again didn't believe that Jesus could do anything,and Jesus said "Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?".Today Jesus is saying the same words to you it doesn't matter how your situation is ...just believe..and see the glory of don't be like Martha but be like Mary and see the glory of God.