Faith of Mary and Martha

Mary and Martha were sisters (it is written in bible) but both of them carry different kind of faith.If we  see Mary ,her faith was different from Martha( who was little rely on her deeds).As we see when she called Jesus in her house ,she immediately got busy in arrangements of food ,as she thought this way she can please JESUS but did Jesus please with her or Mary? We see at the end..Jesus was pleased with Mary because she was listening to his words with full faith and dedication(Luke-10:42). Secondly in John -11:39-40 we see when Jesus asked to remove the stone from the tomb,Martha said ,body is stinking Lord,she again didn't believe that Jesus could do anything,and Jesus said "Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?".Today Jesus is saying the same words to you it doesn't matter how your situation is ...just believe..and see the glory of don't be like Martha but be like Mary and see the glory of God.


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